Fit Over 40 With Opulent Odyssey From HypnoAthletics’ KappaGuerra Martial Arts (Virginia Beach)
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YouTube Breakdancing Tutorial Reactions
- A YouTube video showcasing a breakdancing tutorial has garnered significant attention.
- Viewers’ comments reveal both positive and negative reactions, with some expressing amusement and others describing injuries.
- The comments section includes various responses, ranging from laughter to concerns about potential physical harm.
Experiences with Back Pain at Different Ages
- Multiple individuals reported back pain experiences, ranging from age 40 to 49.
- Some sought treatment or used back braces, while others chose to avoid further physical strain.
- The commonality of back pain among this age group is discussed, along with varied responses to the issue.
Physical Training and Age
- Starting a new physical training regimen requires prior preparation, regardless of age.
- The importance of strength training and assessments before commencing any physical activity is highlighted.
- Examples of individuals, across various ages and locations, demonstrate the benefits of consistent body care and physical training.
Fitness Transformation Through Consistent Training
- An encounter with a fit 65-year-old highlights the irrelevance of age in fitness.
- Lack of training, experience, and knowledge are identified as primary obstacles to fitness improvement.
- Consistent training leads to experience and knowledge, enabling significant fitness elevation.
Stress Transmutation Through Fitness
- Higher fitness levels and self-confidence can lead to stress transmutation.
- Stress can be redirected from a negative to a useful form.
- Bodily changes associated with aging don’t have to be negative; there are ways to work around limitations.
Building Staircase Observation
- A visit to a building involved a delivery to the 4th floor.
- Inquiry about the presence of stairs alongside the elevator resulted in confusion.
- Ironically, signs promoting stair use to save energy were present on the first floor.
Benefits of Stair Climbing
- Stair climbing promotes health benefits.
- The activity also has a positive environmental impact.
- Personal experience highlights the enjoyable and invigorating feeling of stair climbing.
The Uplifting Benefits of Stair Climbing
- Regular stair climbing is promoted as a simple yet effective fitness activity.
- The act of climbing stairs provides a feeling of vitality and ease in other activities.
- A sign advocating stair use highlights calorie burning and health benefits from minimal daily use.
UnEdited TranScript
So here’s some more of this sad nonsense that people have been brainwashed and driven to think is normal. So here on YouTube, there’s and and and an influencer. I suppose you could say on YouTube, he, this this one video I’m looking at has a one66000 likes his name is Alex distresa spelled dest R easy a, and he’s giving a flair tutorial, which is AA breakdancing move.
It’s also sometimes used in capoeta and so I look at the comments and already only the second one down from the top has 15 replies, a guy says I’m 49. Both my wrists are now in cast and my back is in a brace. Some of course, and then people are all backing up.
I’m crying you made my day with this one, thanks for the great laugh, homie, another 1. Somebody says the woman first thing I thought of was my wrists would snap next one a guy, I just burst out laughing in my car on the way from work. Another one Ah, Shia that didn’t go as planned.
Now, here’s the one the other ones about age. I’m 40 and assumed the same would happen to me too, and somebody else LMAO instantly, I wondered if it had break my back or knock it back into place another one age at 42 same, but not the back braves. Another one, thanks for the reminder.
I was about to try. Hey, but at least you tried to live your dream and another one, I’m 49 myself, thanks for the feedback. I’ll just sit and watch the pros from here on out.
Let’s see 4 more replies, I feel you bro for months ago I sneezed wrong and now I need a back brace, my brain says you I’ve got this, my body says, what the hell were you thinking somebody else my back? And another one me too, man, lol, why is the thing why is that the go to responsive people? It’s really sad that people are thinking that now I’m not, I’m going to say, of course, you know?
Let’s be realistic that, if you haven’t done that before for anybody, right? Doesn’t matter what your age is what I’m saying, but for anybody, you don’t just go and just start that right away without any the prior training, no strength training, no assessments or anything like that, right? But it’s the bringing the age part into it that really Baffles me.
And it’s something that I’ve known and understood for quite a long time, because I have examples of it. But just you know, you’re able to see these things throughout life, I lived in New York, I lived in Florida, I lived in California and I have examples of people in my family, so I can see when someone is It consistently takes care of their body or or like one case, just came to mind of a gentleman who had a bad breakup. He was in his 60s and he decided to start going to the gym to work out and the guy just was as they say a Beast right?
And so and oh I met a guy tonight, 65 years old who I gotta make sure I get in touch with him. But also in tip top form and great in great shape, as it said right? So I just would like to encourage people to stop bringing the age factor into it.
And just like let’s admit that it’s your lack of training is where it comes from it’s your lack of experience, it’s your lack of understanding and lack of knowledge on these ideas. And the encouraging and empowering part is that with training is and in consistent training, which then leads to experience and knowledge, you can change your body, you may not be doing windmills and flares, and things like that, right, but you can elevate your fitness to a much higher level. That’s what I’m talking about?
That’s the opulent fitness Odyssey. And what’s fascinating about having higher fitness levels and more self-confidence, especially if it drives into the area of where I really focus on martial arts specifically for self-defense, is that it becomes a form of stress transmutation. Some call stress management But you transmute your stress, from being something that’s in a negative form to your body and redirect it so that the stress can be useful to you.
Let’s, let’s think about these things in a better way and stop bringing age into it. Of course, there are changes that happen to our bodies, as the years go on However, they don’t have to always be these negative things, there are ways to work with. And in some cases.
If we have to the older we get work around, but the the lack of ability and mobility doesn’t have to come with that right away, I know because I live it every day and I do it and I make it a point to test it. And uh, and I’m not done wet, wait. There’s more.
So what’s interesting too is I was also I went to a building today and I asked I said, Hey, I have to make a delivery and drop something off and I asked the gentleman who’s at the front desk of this hotel, you know, I told him where it was on the 4th floor and he directed me to the elevator and I said. Is are there stairs and and he seemed confused? And I said, I’m not sure if you understand what I’m saying, I want to know if there are stairs of their stairs next to the elevator and I said, oh yeah, they’re the next elevator but but the elevator is working.
It’s it’s as if people can’t understand That I want to take the stairs now. Why do I bring that up? Because it’s really funny because on 2 of the different staircases on the 1st floor there’s a sign there and I took a photo of it and the sign says yeah, burn calories, not electricity, take the stairs walking up the stairs just 2 minutes a day.
It helps keep you healthy. It also helps the environment, but this is something I know, because also in Florida when I was there there are I mean, I don’t know, for some reason I haven’t been to buildings. I don’t know, maybe it’s just because I was just in Florida more just recently and I just recall more, but I was regularly going up 8 to 10 flights and I would take the stairs and it would just be awesome that I would just be bounding running app the stairs and I just love the way it feels like it actually feels good to do that.
I, it feels good to do that. So that is a is a state of being that I Wish upon almost everyone that it feels good to bound to run to jump to bounce upstairs. That’s where we should be aiming for and then, as I’ve talked about before everything else, just feels simpler, easier, you feel more vibrant in comparison, you know, you do those things every once in a while so that you have to be going app the stairs all the time, I just happen to do it every time I go to a new structure and I can find the stairs immediately.
And it just feels good. It’s just one of those things that you can do that adds to your fitness. Just like that sign, says you know, burn calories, not electricity, take the stairs, walk app the stairs walking app the stairs just 2 minutes a day helps keep you healthy.